Saturday, September 9, 2017

2 1/2" blue batik strips

This is a group of 40 blue batik strips 2 1/2" wide.  They are mostly dark with a few mediums (no lights).  Some of the batiks are from 15 or more years ago so it is an assortment not available anywhere else.

All of my batiks are washed in pure soap, no scent, no detergent prior to  Cutting.


Batik 4.5" strips, dark and light

This is an assortment of blue batiks (every one different) of 4 1/2" wide strips in 23" to 28" lengths.

I fanned them out a little so you can see them better.  Both photos will enlarge if you click on them.  There are 16 light and 19 dark strips.  Some of the batiks date back as far as 15 years ago so it isn't an assortment available at a store at this time.  SOLD!

  All of my batiks are washed in pure soap, no scent, no detergent.  

Assorted 4.5" batik squares

This is an assortment of 130 -  4 1/2" batik squares.  There are 2 of each fabric in the first 3 columns.  The fourth column is one of each.  SOLD!!!

All of my batiks are washed in pure soap, no scent, no detergent prior to cutting.

Assorted 4.5" strips

This is an odd assortment of 4 1/2" wide batik strips ranging from 14" to 30" long with most of them in the 18-26" range.  All of my batiks are washed in pure soap, no scent, no detergent.